The sleepy but picturesque fishing village of Muros used to be an important port for Santiago de Compostela. The softer climate then La Coruna, good shelter, friendly atmosphere and not to forget the excellent WiFi in the marina make it popular amongst yotti’s. We had to wait for spare-parts for the diesel heater. A delivery by courier normally takes 4 to 5 days, but due to strikes in France we were held “hostage” for 21 days.
During the long wait we made several hikes in the area and tried some Galician cooking ourselves. Not surprising, the fish and seafood is as fresh as can be, being sold at the pier by the fishermen’s spouses. Moreover, this area is home to the Albarino grape used for the finest Spanish white wines.
We really enjoyed our stay in Muros and want to say thank you to:
Mr. Pedro, the marina manager who can help you trace any boat part you might need.
Freerk and Judith Lap for hosting a christmas cruiser get together on their boat.