Especially during the first month, the COVID restrictions were strictly enforced. Only one person per boat was allowed to leave the marina for shopping to the nearest grocery store or pharmacy, which for us happened to be both in the Ibn Battuta Mall (the red dot at the end of the blue dotted line). We were allowed to take a walk inside the marina as a couple but were not allowed to visit other boats.
Besides boat maintenance, reading, watching TV, sorting old foto’s and updating family and friends of the latest news, here below a few foto’s of how we spend our time.
Clean the boat
Easter celebration
Spoil ourselves
Bake some more
Shoot a fish
Gather hailstones
Enjoy sundowners
In May the restrictions eased a bit. The marina was COVID free and we were allowed to visit other boaties. People were really happy to mingel again.
Birthday of Gioele Farinato with wife Gretta and kids.
Making pasta with the Farinato’s
Sunday brunch with Ben & Emily and kids of SV Thelongsummer.
Helping Gretta sewing the sun-protection on their genoa.
We were also allowed to go shopping as a couple again although shopping was limited to “essentials” like food and pharma.
Pre-COVID arrest warrant?
Post-COVID shopping
On June 21 Spain reopened its borders and Morocco allowed reopening of all business, although its borders remained closed until July 10. We were told that we could leave Morocco provided we received permission from Government, which we got without a problem. YES……..we could move again and started to prepare the boat to leave:
– Cleaning the bottom and propellors
– Stock up the boat with food stuff that was in abundance in Morocco like dates and herbes.
When walking towards the open market in the Medina since long, we noticed the progress with the beautification of the old city and the boulevard. Tangier is ready for tourists and we can certainly recommend a visit.
The markets are open again.
Here you get the best lemon and garlic.
This guy had fresh chicken-liver.
We were now ready to leave and to head further East. Al we had to do was wait for the right weather window to cross the Strait of Gibraltar, that can be tricky in adverse conditions. Both the tide and the wind should take us from West to East.
On June 26, 2020 the conditions were right to leave.
To be continued……………..
4 thoughts on “Tangier, Morocco – 4”
Irish Jaug
Always Keep safe Fritz and Liza 😍❤️ . Am one of your follower and hoping that one day I can sail with you guys! 😍
Thank you Irish. We appreciate that you like our website. Who knows what is possible in the future. See you in Philippines again.
Kinh Pham
How exciting….Lisa & Fritz adventure continue…
We just got back to Dintelmond July the 7th. Looking to leave anywhere from the 20th-30th July to join you somewhere on the high sea..
Hello Kinh and Jenny, let your adventure begin. Happy sailing, fair winds and reef early!
Always Keep safe Fritz and Liza 😍❤️ . Am one of your follower and hoping that one day I can sail with you guys! 😍
Thank you Irish. We appreciate that you like our website. Who knows what is possible in the future. See you in Philippines again.
How exciting….Lisa & Fritz adventure continue…
We just got back to Dintelmond July the 7th. Looking to leave anywhere from the 20th-30th July to join you somewhere on the high sea..
Hello Kinh and Jenny, let your adventure begin. Happy sailing, fair winds and reef early!